Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2018January 19, 2018 CDT
Celebrating STEM in Rural Communities: A Model for an Inclusive Science and Engineering Fesitval
Celebrating STEM in Rural Communities: A Model for an Inclusive Science and Engineering Fesitval
Maureen Munn, Joan Griswold, Helene Starks, Stephanie Fullerton, Conan Viernes, Thelma Sipe, Mike Brown, Craig Dwight, Randy Knuth, Sheldon Levias,
Munn, Maureen, Joan Griswold, Helene Starks, Stephanie Fullerton, Conan Viernes, Thelma Sipe, Mike Brown, Craig Dwight, Randy Knuth, and Sheldon Levias. 2018. “Celebrating STEM in Rural Communities: A Model for an Inclusive Science and Engineering Fesitval.” Journal of STEM Outreach 1 (1): 1–11. https://doi.org/10.15695/jstem/v1i1.4.